Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blonde girl buys a bath...?

but takes it back to the shop the next day complaining that all the water keeps running out.

The shopkeeper asks her if she bought a plug for it, to which she replies ' Oh you might have told me it was electric!'Blonde girl buys a bath...?
3 blondes walking across a field see some tracks.

';rabbit tracks'; says the first

';dog tracks'; says the second

';definitely fox tracks'; says the third

they were still arguing when the train run them down

lol yours was very goodBlonde girl buys a bath...?
Heard that one last week, but it was an Irishman instead of a blond.

How do u know that a blonde had just faxed you something without knowing it?

When u see a stamp!
There was a blonde driving down the road listening to the radio. The announcer was telling blonde joke after blonde joke until the blonde was so mad that she turned her radio off. A mile down the road, she saw another blonde out in a corn field in a boat rowing. The blonde stopped her car jumped out and yelled, ';It's blondes like you that give us all a bad name. If I could swim I'd come out there and give you what's coming to you!';
ha ha ha 9/10
lol what do you call 15 blonds at the bottom of the pool, air pockets

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