Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ive heard that to increase chances of having a Girl get the boyfriend to have a hot bath Is it true or a myth?

Iff its true. . How exactly deos that increase the chances of making it a Girl? Be really specific please ... %26amp; does he have a hot bath right just before sex or a few days before?

Please explain ...Ive heard that to increase chances of having a Girl get the boyfriend to have a hot bath Is it true or a myth?
I have heard that hot baths can kill sperm so I would think that is probably not true. However, I have heard that to get a girl have sex up until 1 day before you ovulate - girl sperm swim slower and live longer but boy sperm a quick and run out of energy much sooner. If you don't have sex about 1 day before or after you give the girl sperms a better chance cause the boy sperms will be dead by the time you ovulate. Another option is to have the gender selected by your doctor and inseminate by IUI. It's a little more expensive but if you want a girl....maybe it's worth it? Hope this is helpful and good luck to you :)Ive heard that to increase chances of having a Girl get the boyfriend to have a hot bath Is it true or a myth?
If you want to have a baby girl, decrease the sperm count. The men can easily do this by taking a hot bath just before having intercourse.

the higher the sperm count, the better are your chances of conceiving a baby boy. Here's a quick tip to achieve a higher sperm count: Stay away from sex for up to 3 to 4 days before ovulation

Timing. Timing is everything. When you're in the right place and at the right time, you will experience the result you desire. This is no different in intercourse. Men will produce two types of sperm as they ejaculate. The first type is X which is female and the second type is Y, which is male.

Since Y sperm are smaller but faster, the closer to ovulation that you have sex, the higher your chances of conceiving a baby boy. Similarly, X sperm are bigger but slower. So by having intercourse about 3 days prior to ovulation, you can increase your chances of conceiving a baby girl.

As you can see, by manipulating the pro and cons of each type of sperm, you can somehow control and predict the gender of your future baby. There's no guarantee that this method will work in your case but it does have a success rate of 50-75 percent.
Well I remember reading somewhere that ';male'; sperm and ';female'; sperm are sensitive to different factors. One is slower but tends to live longer and the other is faster but tends to die sooner for example. I would imagine if what you heard is true it is likely ';male'; sperm are more sensitive to heat than the ';female'; sperm.

I think the bigger question here is why do you want to have a man's baby who is not your husband? Don't you want to give your child the best possible environment? Please think about this, there is nothing more selfish than not preparing for your children. If you are going to be a good parent you need to start before the baby is conceived.
i have never herd of hot bath.But I know that if you want to conceive with the girl you need to have sex on Early stage of your ovulation because girls are more living chromosomes in the sperm and boys they live only a few hoers so have sex a day before your ovulation and maybe it will work...hey and also I just heard about it on TV today if you are on diet and exercising it can help to conceive with girl according to British researchers...good luck
I have read that ';male'; sperm is sensitive to heat and they die off, whereas the ';female'; sperm is stronger it survives. Of the men I know that move freely about on the job they have boys. Of every professional driver I know, all girls. So, the hot bath could work. Is it possible for him to sit on his hackeysack for a few hours a day?:D
I’ve never heard that but it’s a myth. Maybe some might say that as a hot bath lowers sperm count and a lower sperm count results in a man producing girls as the girl sperm are fatter and tend to survive longer than boy sperm.

In all honestly you wouldn’t want to decrease your husbands sperm count and I doubt just one hot bath would do that. Just hope and pray you have a healthy baby and be glad that you can get pregnant as so many women stuggle to conceive.
I have never heard that one before,lol. However there was a news article on yahoo this morning about the mother's diet during early pregnancy effecting the gender of the baby. Here is the link, enjoy and good luck:…
:-( sounds good enough and if you want to believe, maybe the power of suggestion will pull through for ya lol but no! You can not increase the odds of having a boy or girl by having hot baths!!

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